News — Heart/Cholesterol/Blood Pressure


Battle high blood pressure with potassium

Simple Home Remedies for Seniors

Everyone's heard that too much sodium can raise your blood pressure. But what most people don't know is that balancing your sodium intake with potassium can keep your blood pressure on an even keel!

6 Reasons you need to plant Hippocrates favorite herb

Did you know there is a plant that can attack atherosclerosis, clobber cholesterol, bring down blood pressure, banish bacteria, and crush blood clots? Plus it can keep aphids out of your garden.

Build a stronger heart for a longer life

If you want your golden years to burst with vitality, then you need to actively find ways to strengthen your heart and reverse ill health. That’s where fitness fits in. It’s not just about firm muscles, endless energy, or a trim waistline. It’s about giving your body the weapons it needs to fight off diseases like heart disease and diabetes. If you already have health problems, it’s about making the most of your situation.

Beat back cardiac concerns with 4 pantry staples

Your heart beats around 100,000 times a day, pumping 2,000 gallons of blood through your circulatory system. That’s a lot of hard work — without a single break — to keep you up and running. So why not return the favor by lowering your risk of heart disease?

5 Soothing Solutions for Your Aching Head

Tension headaches disappear like magic when you rub peppermint oil on your forehead. Don’t believe it? Take a look at the research.