News — Brain & Memory


4 Ways Your Mindset Affects Your Brain Health

Embracing the good things in life is one way you can live a healthier life. Positivity is more than perspective — it brings along a boatload of brain benefits.

5 Free Ways to Exercise Your Brain!

You’ve probably noticed fitness centers in your hometown. Wouldn’t it be great if you could drop your brain off at one for a little treadmill work every day to improve its performance?

Easy does it: no-work workouts

The safest, cheapest exercise you’ll love to do anywhere, anytime.  Walking doesn’t require any special talent or training — you just do it without thinking.

Don't Let Seasonal Ailments Ruin Your Holidays

Use these natural and safe remedies to get you back on your feet fast!

Good Health Begins with Probiotics

Your digestive system is home to an abundance of bacteria that help it work properly. They help you digest, absorb, and metabolize all kinds of nutrients and other substances. When you don’t have enough good bacteria here you can often feel it, in the form of constipation, gas, diarrhea, or various infections.